Friday, May 20

You know who you are

The right music for this one is saxophone. Try Maceo Parker ‘Children’s World’. On this day, she ran into him in the street. He saw her first. First he felt a cold sweat of recognition, then he wanted to turn a corner and hide, then he felt upset at her for appearing. Though really, he wanted to go over and say hi, and laugh like a child and be merry.

She saw him standing there and she smiled gladly. He looked busy. He seems to always be busy. ‘Hey’ she said. She wanted to hug him and show gladness. Then, they would both run off like kids into the park, and run and play. Then, by late afternoon, they would settle by the pool. Get down to their underwear. Get wet. Stand closer to each other. Feel a warmth. Let the sun go down behind them.

But he has such adult ways. They could never do that now. And he is so busy. And his girlfriend knows his mother. He is a serious man living up to all the expectations (except perhaps those of personal nature). Carrying the ball he has been given. Her smile is happy, but it’s nervous. They say how are you and they leave.

You might have something in common with someone, and that part of you you share with them. But if they deny that part of themselves in themselves, they will deny you too. 

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