Wednesday, April 24

Enough of me for a day

My dear readers,

Today I want to introduce you to one of my favorite poets. Enough about me for a day ;) Let's hear someone else do the talking. Let's see the world from another's eyes.
This is her blog:


Monday, April 15


(or, the lukewarm)

If you cannot do it with love you cannot do it at all.
If you cannot do it with your heart, then you cannot do it.
Because it is a motion of love, a movement of the heart. That is all it is.
That is all that anything and everything significant is.
A movement of the heart; an act of love.
If you cannot do it so, you cannot do it.

(Some necessary things are written into our bodies and we cannot avoid doing them, even if we do them begrudgingly.)
(only the very basic things. God wrote them so, because otherwise we would self-eliminate and cease to exist.)
But otherwise you must approach life with your heart,
And it won’t happen to you.

Don’t think you are getting anything done on the side,
if you are not involved with your heart,
you are not getting anything done.

I thought that.
What I thought was wrong.
Life is high-maintenance.
It is demanding.
It wants you whole.
Otherwise it spits you out of her mouth: because you are neither cold nor warm.

Life is a heavy box, and you need all of your strength to lift it.
If you think you can do it without the strength of love,
You are wrong.
You will drop it.

I drop things.
I drop so many things that I am surrounded by shattered stuff, by broken things.
They are spread about like heaps all around me.

It is time to clean up.
The good news is you can clean up.
It is time to toughen up.
The good news is you will always have the strength of love when you want it.
It is there if you want it.

the grapes

I need I desire I want I am.
God, can anyone love but You?
Can anyone keep me but You?
Can anyone support me but You?
Will anyone love me but You?

God, if I do not hope in You, if I do not desire You, if I do not hope for an ideal, I die a boring death. I die a total death. I am depleted of life.
Life is only a communion with the Good and nothing more.
Nothing else.
Life is only hope in You.

Otherwise I die a total death, a mundane death. I am in hell and my soul laments to no end. Without hope, there is only a burning fire that never ends. Without the Good, there is only the deepest coldest darkness; a darkness so cold that it burns like a fire and the two are no different.

Without You, God, I cannot lament loudly enough.
That is the truth.

I need to be. I need to be.
And only Your love creates me.

I don’t think anyone can hear me but You
I don’t think anyone can see me but You
I don’t think anyone can fill the gap in the center of my heart and my soul, but You.

I don’t think an ocean can fit my tears if you didn’t stop them with Your comfort.

I don’t think I would have any tears to cry as I dried up and shriveled away, if it hadn’t been for Your Beauty, upon which I can look, and become hydrated.

I will shrivel up like a dried fig if you turn Your gaze from me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

For the enemy hath persecuted my soul; he hath smitten my life down to the ground; he hath made me to dwell in darkness, as those that have been long dead.

Therefore is my spirit overwhelmed within me; my heart is brought very low. I stretch forth my hands unto thee: my soul thirsteth after thee, as a thirsty land.

Hear me speedily, O Lord: my spirit faileth: hide not thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit.

Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.

Monday, April 1


Wake up!
The smell of beauty is wonderful
The Good is tasty and fulfilling
Wake up, open your windows, the smell of beauty can come in.

Clean out your heart, your head: make space.
Get rid off all this noise and nonsense.

I say it all the time, I’ll say it again.
Stop being silly
Open the door, open the windows, come outside.

Seek to be with the Good. No matter what, seek to be with the Good. When evil comes to sweep up and collect don’t let it count you as one if its.
When darkness comes be a light.
When death spills in, be a wall that protects an entire garden.

Make space in your life for Joy.
Clear the way for Goodness.

Cast your eyes upon the Beautiful.
Thereon incline your ears and heart.