Sunday, December 26

a letter from a missing soldier


there is love in my heart
there is peace and joy
how can I leave that behind and join the world?

But how can I lock myself in myself and leave the world behind
And reality with it?
Is there love in that?

I cannot.
I need to keep the seeds in my heart alive
I need to keep it open so that the sun’s light can shine on them
And the summer rain relieve the soil.

And I must walk through this world and keep looking
Until I find a place
Until I reach a place
When the joy and the peace in my heart will be like unto the life, and the joy and the peace that sings outside, all around me
Until my soul finds its home
And my heart finds her brother and lover
And my mind finds friends

In that land that I don’t know how to find

Brothers, are you looking for me as I am looking for you?
I am here. I am still alive. Look for me. Don’t forget me.

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