Sunday, March 4


I want to talk about love again hey yes, me and you, in the middle of the night.
If in love I catch on fire and I burn and my spark becomes a blaze
I am allowed to do that
If I am neat but also messy
If I am gentle and peaceful but also intense and deep. I mean deep to the core
I mean intense until the end. The whole part.
I am allowed that.
What if life is a fire burning up in my veins
What if my blood is a fire, a burning heat, a red heat a flame rushing
Rushing through my limbs.
What if I am made of gold, what if I get so very hot and I do not burn
What if this passion is pure
It is free
It is love
It is pure and so it is not a passion at all
It is real and it is the life rushing living alive in my hands
What if I hold the fire in my palms
I play with it like a ball
I squeeze it in my hands like a flame.

If you do not like to be hot, if you do not like the light of heat
If you want to sit in the dark, in the slow
Or if you don’t care, then step aside. Fair, fair enough
But the life in me – the love in me (they are the same) -
It is a fire
A burning flame, a flow of fire hotter than fire, an essence outside my words, an essence we have never seen, an essence I cannot tell you.
A fire burning is my blood. I like the heat. It is me. I will burn with it.
I am made of gold and I burn not.
Look at the ball of flame in my hand. What else is there to say?


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