Monday, February 25

good morning to you

This is a wish and a prayer, a good morning and a hello.
I miss You and I thank You for being.

In moments of silence You are there,
In corners of streets flowers grow.
Through windows and cracks sunlight comes in, and rests eternally peacefully, on creation and place.
You are my joy. You are in my life always.
My life is with You
And for You.
You are the only moment when life is.

In between
And everywhere
You smile at me.

There is your peace, and your rest, in the weight of the sun; in the way it sits on the pavement; on the chair; on my mind.

In the silence You are there. You are the joy of the world and I travel with You in your pocket.
Come back. 

Come back and quiet this noise. Make peaceful this place. End this make-belief. Make the darkness a soft shade. Warm the cold metals. Take me with you. Come back.  

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