Saturday, May 5

flying on the wings (a difficult poem)

The aroma comes in first, first through the open window
In awe, in fear I welcome you
In fear, in case you leave
In awe, and in stillness, because there is nothing I can say.

There is no way to describe, there are no words,
When you visit me, we sit in peace, in stillness.
I write your story in silence,
I tell your tale in peace,
For there is no other way.

There is no symbol that will meet your being, 
there are no words that I could use.

I cannot tell the story through me - through what you make me feel,
For that is of no matter.
And I cannot tell the world, of who you are, if they haven’t looked and seen you.

I want to tell your story, I want to speak of our love.
But what I can say is this:
I am so very glad for the stillness;
that the noises are gone;
all that noise, and all that activity are lost now.
And I feel as if this noise was a distraction,
a repulsive disgusting distraction
that had kept us apart.

What I am doing is a difficult thing
It is a dangerous thing:
I feel I must be silent, to hear you
I must be at peace, to see.
But I want to speak of our love,
I want to tell it.

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