This Space is mine and I need to use it. I need to write something down where I can see it. I need to reflect myself and make a fake friend for myself
Because I need to be seen and there is no one to see
Space on this sheet open wide
Open your wideness
Your whiteness
And fit the whole of me
Allow me to be on you, forgive me
White sheet, Act of Poetry
Love me
Let me be open with you.
Let me be myself with you.
People cannot love
People cannot see
People cannot know
They don’t look they don’t care
They care about themselves
Men do not love
They are trapped by their vices
They don’t love they are blind
They are hurtful
I will try again
I will try again and again
For people.
I am a person, I will look, I will see, I will love I will know another
Because I know that’s important I know it is needed
To love will be the only value of my life
Otherwise everything else is nothing
But sheet, white sheet, large paper space
Let me rest on you
Le me recover with you
Let me be on you
Care for me enough to let me just be here.
Paper paper, Act of Art,
You always serve me well.
Act of Art, The Molding of Matter, The Use of Stuff
You are a Blessing,
A Gift
A Space where I can be, where I can rest
Art, you always answer me, whenever I call.
You are a loyal friend, a perfect tool, a gift.
I respect your integrity Art.
You have saved me again and again.
In this little place
In this tiny space
I put everything that I have
I shine my light
I rest my might
In this little room
I was sitting, somewhere safe, I let my structures fall, my thick skin was thin, I spread to fill it all. I didn’t need to gather.
I sit on the floor, under a window.
And a sound comes in, a voice comes in, ridding on the back of a melody. Riding, on the back of carpet of magic.
Another person, another person’s Art, travels in
It crosses space
It crosses time
It melts walls
It dissolves the thick blocks of fat
It burns through them with a fire gun
Another person, another person’s art, comes in through the window and it comes to me!
Another soul
Another being
Floats in
It lifts me!
I get up. What pleasure, how great.
My heart is lifted on high
My eyes rise up
This world is still alive
There were other people, they lived
There are other people, they live
There will be other people, they will live
I am one of those people
I will be one of those people
I will live.
Art, Art, you are my dear friend.
But if someone wants to hide in you, you swallow them up.
You keep them in your thick embrace
They hide their face behind their finger, you comfort them.
Don’t hide me art
Don’t keep me out
Don’t keep me away
Don’t let me not do my tasks or not know others
Just love me art, and let me be myself when no one else will.
Talk with me when no one else will
Strengthen me art, don’t indulge me in my weakness.
I won’t go too deep in to you Art
I want to be here where the sky meets the earth
Where God made man
And men meet each other.
Come here and by my friend art, where I am, for I don’t belong to you, I belong to Another.
I have friends all over the world.
They make their art and I make mine.
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