Sunday, December 12

Then and now (or, an ode to the art muse)

Take some points and make a form.
Make a form and give it a name
Blow life into it
Let it recognize you
Let it be independent and free and living, intelligent, and beautiful
So its recognition of you will matter.

Make a lover.
Have a person see you and love you.

or, rather than make him,
Find him out there looking.

Then, and now.
There is a spirit out there bigger than my heart
Of different nature from my heart,
I can’t contain it
It feels like it will explode me
All I can do is look at its shadow after it has passed,
Imagine it before it comes
And still
My heartbeat swells in my ribs, and it might break

What can I do?
I can close my eyes
And let the music carry me.
Let the art around me carry me
On its back
Relish my two tears
Feel in touch with this great love that I haven’t seen or touched
The love behind the shadows that my eyes see
Behind the illusions my hands touch

Memories from the years before come to me traveling in the mist of this Unknown love. I feel I need to communicate, to create,
To speak, or to touch
Though never is there anyone here
or anything here to be touched
or to hear my memory
nor can I create for I have no art.
If I had a guitar and I could make music I would spill everything I have into the music flow

I am outside, I am not on the inside.
The music does not contain me
I cannot make it
I am an outsider
A beggar
At the feet of this Unknown feeling of great happiness that comes sometimes
With memories from the past
And oppresses my heart
That lets me feel so useless and incapable of participating
Of touching
Of speaking it
Or making the art
Of stepping outside of time and space

incapable of walking over to where the love is,
going and touching it.

I am a prisoner of time and reality.
I am chained at the hands and feet.
I am in a long chain and we are dragged on and we are made to keep moving
And I walk past the landscape
And in the land and in the sky I see beautiful beings
And times
So beautiful
And loveable
And my heart breaks
And the Shadow of this Uknown immense joy suppresses my heart.
I want to break free from my chains
From the chains of time and space and reality!
I want to stop this procession
And break free.
I want my hands free
And my legs free
To walk over to that beautiful
Beautiful being from my memory
And caress him
And speak to him face to face, one person to another
I want to hold him and be honest

I am a prisoner, bound hands and feet in this chain of time and space we call reality. I am dragged along
I can look around me at the landscape and it breaks my heart

I don’t know what breaks my heart more
Is it the happy things I see? The loveable, the beautiful things I see?
Or is it the dry dead filthy things.

I walk on past and I cant touch any of them. I cannot stop to talk with any of them.
And my fellow prisoners
Are just that
Fellow prisoners

You taunt me Uknown beauty
You come to me only as a memory
You come to me as a dream and a beauty out of my reach
You touch my heart but you wont let me touch you

My hands and feet are chained in time and space
And you let me feel like the past is real
Like all that beauty is there in the field before me
Only I cant go there.

I see you beautiful past
I see you, o souls of all those beautiful people
All of you souls who tried
And made something beautiful
All of you who made music
And art
And beauty of your lives
I see you
And I love you
And I live my life to honor you
And when ever I see you as I pass by the road chained
Restrained like a prisoner
I cry with gladness and I am overwhelmed

But I cannot touch you
I cannot come over and speak to you.
Face to face,
Like to persons
Like only the children of Gods can ever do.

I can bear the weight of your beauty
And I can persevere
And I can work with my head down
And maybe you will come to me
And talk to me

There is a chance
That peace will come in my life
There is a chance
That my song will come out to you
That we will meet one day
One day
We might meet
There, in the center of the world
In that sunny valley

I do not know how, 
I don’t know how I could come to be there in the valley
I cannot imagine it
How I will stand one day
Free from the chains of time and space!
and all of the beautiful beings will be there around me
And I can go over and speak with them
And we wont be restrained
And we wont belong to anyone
And all the possibilities of good things will be realized
All of them
And nothing will be wasted
And nothing will be a shame.
Unknown Lover, you taunt me and you oppress my heart with your beauty
But what can I do but bear it quietly?
What can I do but walk through the snow and strive?
What can I do but wait?
And hope.

I don’t know who you are
I don’t know what you want from me
Do you want my soul o Art?
What can I do but wait?

You sit on my chest
And you have my mind sitting like an imbecile sucking on its lolly.
What do you want from me overwhelming feeling of lost untouched beauties?
You taunt me
And you oppress my heart
With the shadow of beauty
I can only bow down to, and beg like a beggar
I can only look on the feast of the could-have-been-but-can-never-be
And walk on
Like the chained prisoner that I am
In the chain of time
And space.

02. December 2010

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